
the Retreat

A Guided Hand

A Guided Hand

Guided by the wisdom of a knowing hand deepens the brew

A 375g Organic 2014 Banzhang Shu Puer.
Fermented by the guided hands of tea masters.

A deep and forgiving broth, full of richness right from the first brew,
pungent umami and a deep burgundy colour.

These leaves settle and calm the body, bringing weight and settling the needing mind.
A stunning tea for continuous brews and a beautiful flow from intensity to sweetness on the last cup.

Best served gong fu with at least one wash before the first cup is sipped.

We have sat and served this tea more times than we could count.
A favourite of ours for the hustle of the head. Often finishing a sit with these leaves we find the empty cup to be filling us still.